The wearing of the College Uniform is an essential part of setting the tone for the College community. Parents/Carers are requested to ensure that the College Uniform regulations are adhered to, helping to foster in our students’ pride in the wearing of the College uniform. A student wearing the uniform correctly shows that they not only have pride in themselves but pride in the community to which they belong. A school uniform reduces incidents of bullying and the stress of peer pressure as all students are dressed the same way. The wearing of a uniform ensures that there is no attention drawn to a student’s socio-economic background. The uniform also helps students focus on the task at hand. Wearing the uniform correctly helps students to “switch on” to student mode and provides them with a reminder of the expectations of the College regarding behaviour and application.


Students are expected to arrive and depart each day in the appropriate College academic uniform including the formal hat, worn neatly and with pride. Whilst off campus, students are expected to wear the College uniform to the same standard expected on campus. When departing the College students may choose to change out of their formal uniform. If a student chooses this option, then they are to change completely out of the College uniform.

The correct sport uniform is to be worn for all sporting activities and PE lessons. Shoes should be kept clean and polished and are to be maintained in good condition. If there is a reason for not presenting in the correct uniform, students are required to bring a note from their parent/carer. This note must be current and relevant to that day only. If a student is out of uniform for consecutive days then multiple notes will be required.



If a student presents to school in incorrect uniform with a note they should:

  • Present the note to their Joey’s Way teacher
  • Request that the Joey’s Way teacher sign the student’s diary
  • Keep the note with them for the day to show staff if challenged
  • The Joey’s Way teacher may be in contact with the parent to determine a plan to help the student wear full and correct uniform.

The table below provides a summary of responses if a student presents to school out of uniform with no note:

Tattoos and body piercings are not appropriate and in contravention of the College uniform policy.

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