Tuesday & Thursday 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Pass phase StJC1956
Midford has now introduced an online appointment system. Parents can now book uniform fitting appointments directly with the link below.
It is preferred that ALL new parents and existing parents make a fitting appointment.
The uniform shop is currently EFTPOS payments only. Sorry – NO CASH.
Students are to arrive at assemblies, liturgies and formal ceremonies wearing academic uniform.
This applies to all students on casual dress occasions:
Shoes should be black, leather, lace up College shoes (with a separate heel). Shoes should be kept clean and polished and are to be maintained in good condition.
In keeping with the College Sunsafe Policy, all students must wear the College hat. The hat should be worn during breaks and whenever the student is outside. The hat must be keep in a respectable condition and must be name-labelled.
The college expects a high standard of dress for all sports. Sporting coaches will indicate to students the uniform required for a particular sport. In keeping with the Sunsafe Policy students must wear the College hat to and from sport.
During timetabled PE lessons students are to wear the College sports uniform. In keeping with the Sunsafe Policy students must wear a College approved hat.
Parents/Carers are particularly requested to see that regulations are adhered to and to foster in their child pride in the wearing of the College uniform.
Requirements and Price List 2024
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