School Life


Our Visual Arts program gives students the space to explore different techniques, create and exhibit their individual artwork.

At St Joseph’s College, we offer Drama, Music and Visual Arts where our students learn to express themselves creatively by engaging in 21st Century Skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication) inspiring their imagination through enrichment opportunities such as excursions and incursions and cross-curricula experiences of making/performing and responding while developing core skills that are vital for success in school and beyond.

Our Arts Curriculum has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential. Students will experience Drama, Music, and Visual Arts in the junior years (Years 7 and 8) and then are able to choose for Years 9 and 10 as electives, then in Senior either an Applied or General option. The Arts offer students the opportunity to learn how to create, compose, perform, communicate and share their imagination through conceptual ideas in a practical way.


Our Drama program allows students to explore their creative side, in groups and as individuals, by learning how to stimulate their imagination and extend themselves through movement and voice in a safe and nurturing environment.


Our Music Program is based upon the idea of building on knowledge and skills as it involves auditory, visual, cognitive and motor skills. Students get to experience a vast range of Orchestral instruments in our collection including the Woodwind, Brass, Percussion and the Strings family.


Our Visual Arts program gives students the opportunity to find their own personal aesthetic by exploring various media (2D, 3D and 4D) and techniques, while learning how to problem-solve and to think critically and creatively when making and responding.

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