Our Community

Parent Engagement Network

St Joseph’s College Parent Engagement Network provides advice and support to the Principal and the leadership team of the College.

Members of the Parent Engagement Network (PEN) are valued for their wisdom and the contribution they make to the College and work together to ensure that the Edmund Rice ethos underpins the life of the College.

St Joseph's College Toowoomba

The Parent Engagement Network (PEN) consists of five teams (Executive, community interest, learning interest, service interest, special project), appointed by the Principal in consultation with TCSO.

The teams offer an alternative model to the traditional formal collaboration between parents and the College in order to honour the place of parents in the life of schools and provide a more effective and realistic avenue for the voice of parents to contribute to school planning and decision making.


Principal Jim Brennan
Parish Priest/Director Fr Ray Crowley
Chairperson Cathy Condon
Secretary Rachel Thomas
Coordinators of Events Jodie Upton & Maria Ta

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