St Augustine of Hippo encourages us to listen to the pulse of our life and to find within our everyday a symphony of influences, love hardship and integrity.
A song is a thing of joy,
and, if we think carefully about it,
A thing of love.
so to have learned to love a new life
is to learn to sing a new song…
‘But I do sing,’ you may reply.
You sing, of course you sing.
I can hear you;
but make sure that your life
sings the same tune as your mouth.
sing with your voices,
sing with your hearts,
sing with your lips,
sing with your lives …..
Are you looking for praises to sing?
The singer himself is the praise
contained in the song.
Let us as a school community take up the challenges offered in the words St Augustine, knowing that the dignity of our lives is not expressed in undignified speech or growls of anger and rejection, but rather in songs of gentleness and when necessary, of forgiveness and peace.