As we move toward the final week of Term we are mindful of taking the time to recognise goodness in all its forms and the strength and focus this gives to life. Thomas Merton was always grappling with a need for integrity and balance, and much can be gained from his words,
God leaves us free to be whatever we like.
We can be ourselves or not, as we please.
We are at liberty to be real or to be unreal.
We may be true or false, the choice is ours.
We may wear now one mask and now another, and never,
if we so desire appear with our own true face.
But causes have effects
and if we lie to ourselves and to others
then we cannot expect to find truth and reality
whenever we happen to want them.
Our vocation is not simply to be,
but to work together with God in the creation of our own life,
our own identity, our own destiny, by choosing the truth.
This week our Year 11 students have begun the process towards leadership of the College. Each House Staff Leader, a member of the College Executive Team and Year 12 Student leader conducted interviews with nominated candidates. The feedback given was high praise of the passion, commitment and sense of service demonstrated by these young people. This is a fine acknowledgement of the strength and depth of understanding we as a community are fostering in our St Joseph’s students. In the coming week, our prospective 2020 Leaders will be informed of the next phase of the process. There will be formal speeches delivered to each House group at the start of Term 4.
Many of our students are finalising their learning with assessments. It is imperative that we all maintain our focus until the conclusion of Term 3. This includes: maintaining a positive work ethic; wearing correct uniform and behaving with the College values firmly in mind.