Vocational Education & Training (VET)

As a Darling Downs Hub School, we are a gateway to the Industry School for Food, Wine and Tourism and the Industry School for Manufacturing and Engineering, Queensland.

VET students exit with real industry skills and a nationally recognised qualification, creating a pathway into many occupations.

Our Youth Trades Skills Centre is a leading facility, giving students access to:

  • A fully equipped commercial kitchen and engineering workshop
  • Improved transition to work or further education and training
  • Industry networking and partnerships
  • Qualified staff who are up to date with the latest industry practices.
St Joseph's College Toowoomba Student Welding

Stand Alone VET Subjects

Certificate III Information Technology
(There is no prerequisites for this subject.)

SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations.
(There is no prerequisites for this subject.)

Certificate II Hospitality
(There is no prerequisites for this subject.)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business.
(There is no prerequisites for this subject.)

MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways

(Prerequisite; metal work subject in Year 9 or 10.  Students will be required to supply and wear ‘Steel Capped Safety Boots’ and Protective Overalls while working in the Engineering Workshop.)

CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction

(Prerequisite; woodwork subject in Year 9 or 10.  Students are to wear hard covered footwear at all times while undertaking Practical Worl.  Students must wear Safety Glasses and Protective Aprons at all times while undertaking Practical Work.)

Helpful links

Curriculum Handbook

Vocational Education & Training: is based towards the back of the Senior Curriculum Handbook

St Joseph’s College, Toowoomba (RTO 30103)

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