Learning Journey

Senior Years

Years 11 and 12 signifies a critical time in a student’s educational journey at St Joseph’s College.

Our focus is on developing students as independent learners and active participants in their learning, so they are prepared academically, socially and emotionally once they leave school.

The combination of extensive choice in career pathways and a genuine desire for student wellbeing ensures our senior students leave as resilient, well-prepared and confident young adults.

The Senior curriculum offers over 40 QCE subjects, based on the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) syllabus, to work towards optimising their post school opportunities.

The Senior curriculum offers twenty-five General and twelve Applied ATAR subjects, six certificate courses and is a recognised as a leader in Vocational Education Training (VET), as well as providing opportunities for students to undertake School-Based Apprenticeships or traineeships

St Joseph's College Toowoomba

Senior Phase of Learning – information for Year 10 students

The senior phase of learning has changed and students choose from various course options and work diligently towards optimising their post-school opportunities. Please open the following presentation from the Year 10-11 Curriculum Evening to help understand what is required for success in the senior years.

2024 Subject Selection Presentation


The ATAR curriculum offers over 40 QCE course options, based on the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) syllabus that allow students to work towards optimising their post school opportunities.

Senior Curriculum Handbook

Vocational Education & Training

St Joseph’s College is recognised as a leader in Vocational Education Training (VET). We focus on empowering students to meet the challenges of the continually evolving world in which they live.

Homework and Independent Learning Guidelines Years 11-12

Independent Learning is any learning that is completed outside of the classroom.

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